Q. What three albums are most inspiring to your band?
A: Paramore - Riot; Jimmy Eat World - Bleed American; Taking Back Sunday - Louder Now
Q. What was the first song that you wrote together?
A: Mean It
Q. Can you explain the meaning behind one of the songs on your latest album?
A: "Mean It" is a song that hopes to inspire others to remain true to their authentic selves. In a landscape dominated by social media likes and follows, it can often be difficult, especially for artists, to remain true to their voice and not transform from artists to content creators. The simple straightforward lyric of "say what you mean, and mean it" is a reminder to stand by the messages conveyed in your music, art, or even in conversation, with integrity and authenticity.
Q. What is your favorite thing about Asbury Park?
A: The music scene! It's truly amazing to be able to walk along the boardwalk any given night and pop in and out of various shows with musicians performing original music. The artists are so incredibly talented here and we are so fortunate to have this community of support that creates such a positive outlet for creativity in so many forms.
Q. What is your favorite MOGO taco?
A: Tofu with fish slaw and extra spicy mayo!
Q: Where else are you playing this summer and when?
A: Asbury Lanes on September 2nd with Natalie Farrell
Q: Where can fans listen to your music online?